Sunday, August 19, 2007

Kim K./ The Pick-up artist/ My strange dream and music

Kim K. as I like to refer to her is definitely one of the finest fem fa tales that my eyes have had the glory of seeing. My goodness, the benz that female carries around with her is spectacular, it can make you wreck your damn car, or commit suicide if she ever left you. Now, for the sake of argument she is of Armenian descent, and I conjure the question, where can I locate some Armenian ladies that bear a striking resemblance to her, hahaha. Also, she has her own reality t.v series in preparations and I am thinking of good ratings when that show appears on the tube. Seriously, that chick serious. Hopefully her show goes to Vh1.

The Pick-up artist is a new reality show that I have just discovered, and I am remarkably taken by it already. The premise for this show is very needed, and I am happy to see that some shows are vaguely addressing the psychological issues that plague some males in society when it comes to approaching females. Personally, I wish I was on the show, although my sex-life is going okay, I still think that learning how to really remove the nervousness from the approach is a learning process that even the masters still work on. The episode that trapped me into this web was episode two. I can't recall all of the cast members, yet, but I can recall a fellow named Spoon who wanted off the show. The guys who are lending this helping hand were deeply disappointed with him because he had the potential to better many areas of his life by staying on the show, but he chose to stay moping around in obscurity instead of improving his life. I felt really bad for the buy, he seemed like a genuine person who is just so shy until it super cedes other areas of his life. The fear of approaching people that he has could make him become a social hermit, and lifelong self rodeo rider. I am hooked on this show now, and I can't wait for episode 3 to come on. A show specifically designed with this content is so mandatory in today's world, it is sort of a dream for me. While on the subject of dreams, I had a very bizarre dream this morning.

Just what the heck was my subconscious trying to tell me this morning. Okay, my dream centered around the Mike Vick case, and I was the one defending Vick in the court of public opinion. My father was on the phone calling powerful people and enforcing his opinion to topple Vick. The quote that I said in the dream was, " It is unconstitutional, and un- American in the court of public opinion the way that we are treating Mike Vick. The most telling part about this dream is that I am not defending the actions of Mike Vick, but my father is to some extent. Also, I am not trying to burn Vick at the stake either in reality. Hopefully what this dream was reinforcing was my ability to understand two sides of an issue and not make up my mind without all the facts. Vick, I hope you take the plea agreement, bro.

Finding forever, by common is an experience in the realm of hip hop music and beauty of this art form. The emotions on this record range over worldwide spectrums, and the lyricism he displays is always rewind material. Finding my forever, and I hope you are out doing the same. Until next time.

hunt for the kill to save the starving villagers, and roam safely in the wilderness


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