Now, here's something, that man since the dawn of humanity, and ancestors of the animal kingdom alike can akin too. The Waste Of My Time Girl. These are the girls who toy with a man's emotions. The ones who say stuff like," I don't know what I'll do without in my life." "I just need more time, if you love me, as much as you say you do, you will be patient for me." Mind you, these girls may have had some deeply rooted attraction towards you in the beginning, but suddenly the chemical moment slipped past, and you never knew it. You would call her phone, just to see how she was doing, and get blown off for some other time. Never was this a one time thing, no, you would try this same routine, and get the same treatment. What the pains the most, is you probably banged the hell out of this chick, and you aren't the type to get upset over situations like this, but this one seems different. Then, you may have never banged her at all, and that's the reason she holds all the cards. Whichever of the two previous sentences best describes your issue, is how you answer your time wasted with this chick.
When it comes right down to it, every W.O.M.T.G. bears a striking resemblance to the first W.O.M.T.G. She's pretty, smart, funny, and indecisive as hell. These girls never really have their minds made up, except on one thing, that you're not who they see themselves with. These girls go out to a restaurant, and can't decide on lobster or shrimp. Make a visit to a grocery store, and can't bear themselves to leave without checking every box of cereal with Tony the tiger on it. If you happen to be in the company of a W.O.M.T.G. and see this behavior being exhibited, like it most certainly will be, run don't walk to the exit. Even if the only way out is "Snakes on a PLane" get the hell away from her.
W.O.M.T.G. are the enemies of every man.
Finally, I hope my bros took heed to this words. To all of the W.O.M.T.Gs stick your index finger down your throat, and choke yourself to death BITCH!
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