Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's been a minute

So I decided to write down a few more words on this page. Currently, a lot is going on around and inside me. Many people have disappointed and underappreciated me and my input far too long. One of the reasons why, I don't talk too a hoard of relatives at this present time, and don't plan on trying to touch base with any of those exclusive pricks. I have focused too much of my attention on those yucks already, and now I have met the point in time that says, " I need to move on." Don't get it tangled or twisted, I overstand that life is entirely to short to continue down this path, but hey, I figure if they aren't trying to reconsider their course of action then why should I.

Some just won't or won't put forth the effort it takes to make things okay again. At points in the day, I put too much on my shoulders and blame myself for the way others may be acting, but I know it's just my complexity running rampant. On to other matters:

Phil won another green jacket. For those who have no clue about what I am talking about. It's a reference to the annual Master's tournament in the sport of golf. Phil has made many folks happy, they have forced him to be Tiger's rival, although I doubt it. Congrats to you Phil, but they are setting you up for failure.

Baseball season started, and my team in Baltimore will suck again this year. Honestly, I will go for anyone to knock off the Yanks, gees do I hate the fans of this historic franchise. Granted, the Yanks have a lot of trophies and rings, but I still would dislike them, if they didn't. Then again, I probably wouldn't, shudder, I might be a fan, yeah only in the dreams.

T.O. yep, I know this is old news, but I haven't written about it, yet. Terrell " wreck any team" Owens is now apart of my beloved Dallas Cowboys. I don't know if I should cheer, or boo every time he does anything on the field. Hell, if we get to the playoffs I would cheer a lot, I would bet on that. Since, football season is months away, I won't be doing too much writing about that subject.

T-Mac inactive back problems. This one really hurt us and him. I was pissed that my dawg wouldn't be returning for the rest of the season. The rockets need this guy so much, it's crazy. Now, Yao is out for the rest of the year, how crazy is that. Yao was hurting guys on the court since he had returned to the lineup. This season sucked so much ass.

Who's the NBA MVP? Lebron or Nash.

hunt for the kill to save the starving villagers, and roam safely in the wilderness

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