Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness!

Those words ring so true, and they were written by a man whose life was surrounded by unrest. Michel de Montaigne, is the author of that powerful phrase, and during the 16th century in France. The black plague was ravaging through the areas where the peasants dwelled, and religious wars were breaking out between the catholics and protestants all over the country.

Lately, I have been attempting to find that place he wrote about. That locale where my cheerfulness is my certain sign of wisdom, and not my stern exterior being portrayed as my face of intelligence. I want to be more upbeat about life, but that to me is false hope. George Carlin delcared in a HBO telecast that "Life is worth Losing" and I do follow that line of thinking. To a high degree life is better off not having, or losing it. Many of us will never get the amount of happiness we feel is due to us, and that in itself decreases our chances of a longer life. Though, we have all found nice little mask to wear that distinctly says, " We are alright." For the most part I think we have nulled our self into a bs cypher. The cypher where what makes one happy, must be the cypher to be apart of, and that sickens me. I am a person who strives to be a non-conformist for the most part, especially, when it comes to my mental planes.

hunt for the kill to save the starving villagers, and roam safely in the wilderness


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